Session 1: Biodiversity, plant genetic resources and breeding
01. S. Ercisli, G. Ilhan
Some important fruit characteristics of the wild grown carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) in Western Anatolia
02. M. Nesheva, V. Akova, I. Staneva, P. Minkov, L. Todorova
Diversity of wild apple genetic resources in the region of Troyan, central Bulgaria
03. F. Iancu, V. Isac, M. Sturzeanu, M. Coman
Evaluation of genetic diversity in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) using SSR markers
04. S. Radicevic, S. Maric, R. Cerovic, M. Djordjevic, N. Milosevic, I. Glisic, M. Lukic
Breeding work and floral biology research in cherries at Fruit Research Institute, Cacak – achieved results and new perspectives
05. S. Maric, I. Glisic, N. Milosevic, T. Vujovic, S. Radicevic M. Djordjevic
S-RNase genotyping of autochthonous apple cultivars grown in the region of central and southwestern Serbia
06. I. Glisic, N. Milosevic, J. Tomic, M. Milinkovic, M. Djordjevic, S. Maric, S. Radicevic, B. Popovic
In situ characterization of plum landraces originated from the region of western Serbia
07. M. Meland, M. Fotiric Aksic, O. Frøynes, L. Lasic, N. Pojskic, F. Gasi
Applicability of microsatellite markers in estimating fertilization success in Norwegian apple orchards
08. S. Marcelic, F. Klanac, M. Matek Saric, M. Baricevic, A. Gasparovic Pinto, I. Paskovic, M. Polic Paskovic, M. Zorica, S. Kolega, Z. Sikic, T. Kos
Morphological and pomological characterization of wild olives on the island of Ugljan
09. M. Nesheva, V. Akova, I. Staneva, N. Neshev, L. Todorova
Fruit quality of local Bulgarian pear (Pyrus communis L.) genetic resources
10. S. Kafkas, E. Kafkas
Cultivar breeding in cultivated pistachio
Session 2: Biotechnology and physiology
01. F. Niederholzer, L. Milliron, D. Wolter, M. Bozzo
Bloom thinning ‘Improved French’ prune with caustic sprays
02. I. Perju, I. Mineață, I. E. Golache, I. V. Ungureanu, S. Sîrbu
Phenology and fruit production of sweet cherry in the context of climatic conditions in North-Eastern Romania
03. M. F. Calinescu, I. C. Mazilua, E. Chitua, F. Plaiasu, M. Chivu
Evaluation of some cherry cultivars grafted on Gisela 5 rootstock grown in the hilly area of the South of Romania
04. M. Djordjevic, I. S. Glisic, N. T. Milosevic, S. Radicevic, S. Maric, I. P. Glisic, R. Cerovic
Influence of temperature at the time of pollination on the effective pollination period and fruit set in plum
05. A. I. Yordanov, S. G. Tabakov, T. D. Donkov
Influence of the rootstocks Prunus mahaleb seedling, ‘MaxMa 14’ and ‘GiSelA 6’ on the course of some phenophases and dormancy in sweet cherry cultivars
06. S. Spasojevic, C. Oparnica, J. Milivojevic, D. Radivojevic
Chemical thinning of apple fruit: a review
07. M. Kiprijanovski, S. Georgievski, N. Saraginovski, T. Arsov
Improving of the fruit set and productivity of the pear trees after spring frost
08. D. Radivojevic, J. Milivojevic, C. Oparnica, S. Spasojevic, I. Djekic
Effect of preharvest gibberellic acids application on productivity, fruit characteristics and flower bud formation of sweet cherry ‘Regina‘
09. E. Mendelné Pászti, L. Szalay, K. Hrotkó, Á. Mendel
Apricot cultivars and rootstocks with different fruiting surface development: preliminary results
10. B. Milic, J. Gosic, G. Barac, M. Milovic, N. Magazin, J. Kalajdzic, Z. Keserovic
Growth control of ‘Oblačinska’ sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) grafted on ‘Mahaleb’ (Prunus mahaleb L.) rootstock by using bioregulators
11. V. Beyá-Marshall, T. Fichet
Effect of synthetic auxin sprays on yield and double seed incidence of almond trees, and orchard profit under different conditions of fruit set and PAR interception
12. M. Michailidis, C. Polychroniadou, I-D. S. Adamakis, I. Ganopoulos, G. Tanou, C. Bazakos, E. Karagiannis, A. Molassiotis
Calcium signature in kiwifruit ripening through multi-omics integration
13. I. Perju, I. E. Golache, I. Mineață, I. V. Ungureanu, S. Sîrbu
The growth and fruiting characteristics of some sweet cherry cultivars under the pedoclimatic conditions of the North-Eastern part of Romania
14. D. Georgiev, M. Georgieva, D. Hristova, N. Marinova
Fruit bearing of the primocane raspberry cultivar ‘Autumn bliss’ in the Troyan region
Session 3: Cultivation systems and pest control
01. I. Al-Suwaid, C.A. Mihai, A.C. Butcaru, F. Stanica
The intensity of bacterial disease infestation in some apricot cultivars monitored with the WinFOLIA system
02. G. Trempetic, T. Kiss, T. Necas
Analysis of the ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum’ titer in the tissues of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) trees throughout the year
03. G. Popski, T. Mihova, P. Minkov, B. Stefanova, S. Todorova
Morphological and biochemical characteristics of the fruit of apple cultivars introduced into RIMSA Troyan
04. S. G. Tabakov, A. I. Yordanov, T. D. Donkov
Use of peach-almond hybrid rootstocks and two interstocks for the apricot cultivar ‘Hargrand’
05. J. Dragisic Maksimovic, N. Ramovic, D. Radivojevic, J. Milivojevic
Differentially colored photoselective nets: a sophisticated technological concept to improve fruit quality parameters in soilless grown blueberries
06. N. Saraginovski, M. Kiprijanovski, T. Arsov, S. Georgievski
Results of the evaluation of certain sweet cherry cultivars on the semi-vigorous ‘MaxMa 14’
07. J. Vukotic, J. Kalajdzic, V. Stojsin, B. Milic, M. Grahovac, M. Petres, D. Budakov
Impact of bull’s eye rot on apple fruit properties under different storage conditions
08. N. Milosevic, I. Glisic, M. Djordjevic, S. Radicevic, S. Maric, T. Milosevic
Tree growth, productivity and fruit properties of early ripening European plum (Prunus domestica L.) cultivars
09. Z. Rankova, T. Moskova, N. Neshev, M. Yanev, G. Dimitrov
Effect of different approaches to soil surface maintenance on weed infestation and growth performance of young peach orchard
10. P. Ivanov
Mating disruption and population development of Grapholita molesta (Busck, 1916) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in apricot orchards
11. D. Milatovic, D. Boskov, G. Zec, M. Stojanoski, N. Tesic
Evaluation of late season sweet cherry cultivars in the region of Belgrade
12. K. Klamkowski, W. Treder, A. Tryngiel-Gac, K. Wójcik, A. Masny
Suitability of a new telemetric capacitance-based measurement system for irrigation management of strawberry plants
13. A. Obradovic, T. Popovic, J. Adamovic, A. Prokic, M. Ivanovic
Identification of Xanthomonas arboricola pv. corylina strains isolated from hazelnut (Corylus avellana) in Montenegro
14. N. Magazin, G. Barac, M. Milovic, J. Kalajdzic, B. Milic, Z. Keserovic
The effects of crop load reduction on apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) yield and fruit quality
15. I. Pajac Zivkovic, D. Cirjak, I. Miklecic, M. Pintar, B. Duralija, D. Lemic
First evidence of the brown marmorated stink bug and its population size in perennial crops in Croatia
16. M. Pesakovic, J. Tomic, Z. Karaklajic Stajic, B. Rilak, V. Durović, L. Mandic, S. Milenkovic
Effectiveness of organic and synthetic products on the occurrence of gray mould and strawberry fruit quality
17. A. Bokulic Petric, I. Juran, T. Milicevic, A. Mesic
Spirotetramat – application in fruit growing, efficacy, resistance and toxicity
18. T. Milicevic, B. Duralija, A. Mesic, A. Vokurka
Fungal foliar diseases of strawberry in Croatia – etiology, epidemiology and chorology
19. D. Lolletti, P. Engel, A. Polito, R. Manganiello, F. R. De Salvador
Assessment of leaf curl (Taphrina deformans) susceptibility of peach and nectarine accessions in the National Germplasm Repository of CREA-OFA in Rome (Italy)
Session 4: Postharvest, fruit quality and food science
01. J. Fiala, T. Necas
Characteristics of European and Asian pear cultivars and pear hybrids compared to production potential under South Moravian conditions
02. J. Sic Zlabur, S. Voca, K. Licitar Osmicevic, M. Dujmovic, M. Skendrovic Babojelic
Nutritional properties and quality of paw-paw fruit from Croatia
03. M. Michailidis, C. Skodra, E. Karagiannis, M. Samiotaki, I. Ganopoulos, G. Tanou, C. Bazakos, A. Dalakouras, A. Molassiotis
Moving beyond the molecular mechanism of superficial scald in apple fruit
04. E. Zezulová, T. Necas, M. Mrázová, T. Kiss
Apricot kernels as a new source of protein and antioxidants
05. O. Mitrovic, A. Koricanac, B. Popovic, S. Radicevic, I. S. Glisic, A. Leposavic, S. Maric
Quality of dried sour cherries from different Serbian cultivars
06. J. Milivojevic, D. Radivojevic, D. Milosavljevic, V. Maksimovic, S. Spasojevic, J. Dragisic Maksimovic
The later, the better? Differences in field performance and fruit quality traits in newly introduced Italian short-day strawberry cultivars
07. K. Mesa, L. Contador, C. Pereira, A. Albornoz, S. González
Effect of extended cold storage in ‘Sugar plum’ on organoleptic characteristics and development of internal browning
08. M. Fotiric Aksic, B. Rabrenovic, U. Gasic, D. Dabic Zagorac, M. Natic, M. Meland
Bioactive compounds in seeds of raspberry cultivars (Rubus idaeus L.) grown under Norwegian conditions
09. Z. Rankova, I. Staneva, V. Akova
Influence of different approaches to soil surface maintenance on the content of leaf pigments and essential nutrients in apricots
10. A. Zhivondov, S. Savchovska, S. Malchev
Results of biometric analyses of fruits of selected sweet cherry hybrids
11. M. Fotiric Aksic, U. Gasic, T. Tosti, J. Milivojevic, Z. Tesic, M. Meland
‘Amira’ versus ‘Regina’:Variation in biometrical traits and chemical composition across the harvests of organically grown primocane fruiting raspberry cultivars
12. A. Zhivondov, S. Savchovska
Yield and fruit quality of new Bulgarian peach cultivars
13. M. Milovic, N. Magazin, B. Milic, R. Kovac, J. Kalajdzic, G. Barac, A. Bajic
Effect of foliar application of Ca, MAP packaging and 1-MCP treatment on apricot fruit quality after 15 days of storage
14. A. Bisko, A. Cepelak, S. Slunjski, K. Konopka, B. Lazarevic
Chemical composition of black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) leaf, fruit, juice and juice sediment
15. S. Marcelic, S. Kolega, G. Fruk, M. Petric, M. Zorica, T. Kos
Fruit cracking and fruit firmness of 15 sweet cherry cultivars: a two-year study in Zadar county
16. J. Tomic, M. Pesakovic, B. Rilak, I. Glisic, N. Milosevic, F. Stampar, M. Mikulic-Petkovsek, J. Jakopic
Rootstock and harvest season affect the chemical composition of plum
17. M. Skendrovic Babojelic, J. Sic Zlabur, A. Loncaric, T. Kovac, L. Jakobek, Bojan Sarkanj, Danijel Cicek, M. Sarko
Evaluation of pomological and physico-chemical properties of traditional apple cultivars from Pozega-Slavonia county
18. C. Sánchez, D. Garcia, A. Eira
Effect of pre-harvest factors on the shelf-life of ‘Gala’ apples after 5 months of storage
19. A. Bebek Markovinovic, D. Brdar, I. Brcic Karaconji, K. Jurica, D. Lasic, P. Putnik, T. Bosiljkov, B. Duralija, D. Bursac Kovacevic
Development of functional strawberry tree fruit-based product by 3D food printing technology
20. L. Maslov Bandic, K. Vlahovicek-Kahlina, S. Juric, B. Duralija
Green extraction of flavonoids from mandarin peel
21. A. M. Antolkovic, M. Mijic, K. Krbavcic, M. Skendrovic Babojelic
Physico-chemical and anatomical properties of the fruits of different mandarin cultivars
Session 5: Sustainability, economics and management
01. F. Stanica, D. I. Dumitrascu, C. A. Mihai, A. C. Butcaru
A digital system to evaluate the canopy parameters in some cherry, apricot and nectarine cultivars
02. A. M. Antolkovic, L. Maslov Bandic, S. Juric, G. Fruk
Digital image analysis for assessing quality parameters of mandarin (Citrus reticulata B.) fruit
03. P. Ivanov
Status of insect biodiversity in peach and apricot orchards under IPM
04. K. L. Batelja, T. Friganovic, A. Vokurka, S. Bolaric, V. Ocic, T. Jemric, S. Jurić, M. Vukovic, J. Gadze
Biostimulants in organic fruit production
05. R. Vrtodusic, M. Stojanoski, A. M. Antolkovic, A. Viduka, G. Fruk, M. Petek, M. Skendrovic Babojelic, D. Boskov, D. Sotonica
Advantages of using RGB and thermal imaging cameras in fruit and grape production
06. A. Viduka, T. Karazija, G. Fruk, M. Skendrovic Babojelic, A. M. Antolkovic, R. Vrtodusic, M. Satvar Vrbancic, Z. Grgic, M. Petek
Is visual diagnosis a reliable method for determining iron and manganese deficiency on apple leaves compared to chemical analysis?
07. E. Kaufmane, S. Ruisa, I. Namatevs, K. Sudars, S. Strautina
The latest results of breeding Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica) and the possibilities of using artificial intelligence methods to optimize the breeding process
08. S. Colic, D. Rahovic, D. Jaksic, J. Ivanovic, G. Zec, I. Bakic, V. Sabados
Current status and prospects of fruit tree and grapevine plant material in Serbia
09. G. Fruk, A. M. Antolkovic, T. Karazija, A. Viduka, R. Vrtodusic, M. Petek, M. Skendrovic Babojelic
Using artificial intelligence to determine different things in apple fruit production